Barry LarkinYear: 1995
Brand: Topps Embossed
Parallel set: Golden Idols
Card number: 129
This has to go down as one of the all-time ugliest card designs. The regular 1995 Topps Embossed cards are quite nice (
see here) but the Golden Idols parallels are hideous! Seeded one-per-pack, the ugly parallels aren't particularly rare either (the full base set is only 140 cards). For my money, this is a parallel set that can be best left alone (though obviously as a player collector I felt the need to track down one of Larkin's parallels despite my personal feelings on the card design). Do as I say, not as I do would probably be the appropriate maxim to state here to close the post.
I agree. Normally I'm a fan of 90's parallels... but this is one of the exceptions. Had they made these one per box, then at least their would be kind tough to pull.