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Board Game Friday: Lookin' Back at Kickstarted Things (Volume 9)

Once again, a number of months have passed since I last wrote an entry in my Lookin' Back at Kickstarted Things.  Luckily, today is the day for a new entry in the series - so enjoy!

If you are new to the series (or perhaps simply have forgotten about it since it's been so long), the basic idea of this series is for me to go through my backlog of Kickstarter projects that I've backed.  Most (but not all) of them are board games and so it makes sense to feature them as a Board Game Friday post!  Last time I did one of these, I talked about a couple of games plus a music album.  Today, however, it's all board games!

First up, it's probably the largest board game box that I'll ever own:  Frosthaven.

If you don't know, Frosthaven is the follow-up to the smash hit Gloomhaven.  I never bought Gloomhaven, but I do own Gloomhaven's little brother Jaws of the Lion which I love.  I was super excited for Frosthaven but unfortunately the main people that would be interested in playing a long campaign style game like this on a semi-regular basis no longer live close enough to me to make that idea feasible.  As it is now, I've fully punched and sorted Frosthaven (no small feat, that took over an hour to accomplish) and I guess I'm waiting for my son to get quite a bit older to play with me!  I like to give all of my Kickstarter purchases a grade, and while I expect Frosthaven to be a lot of fun, I can't give it a grade above a 7/10 since I haven't actually played it yet!

Next, a game I have played a number of times since its arrival:  Catapult Kingdoms.

When I was a kid, my brother and I had a Weapons & Warriors game that we loved.  The basic idea is that there are rubber band powered catapults that you use to launch projectiles at the enemy base.  Who doesn't love knocking stuff down?!  Well, Catapult Kingdoms is basically that game with the added layer of getting to build your own castle from a variety of plastic bricks.  It's a fun game that my son loves to play with me (unfortunately, it's best played on a floor and my old bones can only sit on the floor hunched over for so long).  That said, this game has been a hit and a definitely blast from the past in all the right ways.  An easy 10/10.

Finally, we end with another game that I've yet to get to the table to play.  In fact, I haven't even had the chance to take the shrink wrap off of the game Intrepid.

Intrepid is a space-themed cooperative game where each player controls an asymmetric crew member.  The game sounds fun and it has a solid 7.2 rating on Board Game Geek so it's definitely a game that I want to get to the table.  Unfortunately, the box is quite large (and thus I fear it will take quite awhile to learn all of the rules - and that's basically all that has been holding this game back for me).  Well, that and the fact that space isn't necessarily a theme that immediately speaks to me.  That all said, I am looking forward to trying this one out and, like Frosthaven, I have expectations that I'll like the game quite a bit.  However, it's hard to go above a 7/10 for a game I haven't actually played!

That does it for today's look at the next three Kickstarter projects that I backed.  This batch was a successful batch - one game that's been a true hit in my household plus two other games that I hold a lot of hope for.


  1. That catapult game looks really cool. It's funny that you mention the sitting on the floor hunched over thing, because if I do that too long... it messes up my back in the worse way. Getting old sucks.

    1. Yeah, I keep thinking I'm young but my body (and son) tell me otherwise!


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