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Board Game Friday: Tier Ranking the BoardGameGeek Top 100 Board Games

One of the most popular websites devoted to all things board game related is Boardgamegeek, aka BGG. I use the site for all sorts of purposes (especially tracking my board game collection) but I also like to look at the various lists that are published on the site.  Undoubtedly the most popular list is the BGG Top 100, a list of the best 100 board games of all time.  

In looking at the list, I thought it'd be fun to see how many of the BGG Top 100 that I've actually played...and of those, figure out how I would personally rank each game.  With that said, here is my tier ranking for the BGG Top 100 for July 2024:

As you can see, I haven't actually played much of the BGG Top 100 yet!  However, of the games I have played, most are ones that I personally enjoyed as well. In case the above image is hard to read, here's a closer look at the games I've played to date:

"S" tier is considered the best of the best and for now, I'd put Lost Ruins of Arnak, Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion, and Ark Nova in that category.  I've been playing a lot of Arnak and Ark Nova over on Board Game Arena (aka BGA) and I haven't gotten sick of either game yet.

"A" tier is considered great and you can see Gloomhaven, Aeon's End, Robinson Crusoe, and 7 Wonders Duel all live there for now.  7 Wonders Duel is a game that has grown a LOT in my eyes ever since I started playing it on BGA.

Finally, skipping down to the lowest ranked game for me, A Feast for Odin is one of those super popular games that simply didn't "click" for me.  It's a worker placement game with what seems like a thousand different worker placement spots...and most of those spots aren't really unique.  Maybe it's because I only ever played this game online, but I don't get the hype or praise for A Feast for Odin!

That does it for my thoughts on the current BGG Top 100 list.  Obviously, I haven't played the majority of the games so it's hard to have detailed rankings.  Still, I think it's kind of interesting for me to see how my personal feelings about games stack up against the "collective mind" of people on BGG.  

Now it's your turn, do you have any favorites (or anti-favorites) from the BGG Top 100?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. Don't have any comments on the games itself... but I like the idea of using tiers. I've seen a few different people on YouTube use TierMaker on their videos. I'm kind of surprised it's not used on card blogs more.


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