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The Ultimate Ginter Full-Sized Insert Set Bracket!: Seeding Vote #10 (2015)

For the first part of the bracket creation, we need to seed the various full-sized insert sets.  I thought it'd be fun to first have a vote for the best insert set within each year and use each year vote winner as a top seed.  From there, I'll fill in the rest of the bracket with the remaining full-sized sets.

I also hope that each of these Seeding Vote posts give you a bit of information about each of the insert sets for a specific year.  That should help with your voting as we move forward into the heart of the Ultimate Ginter Full-Sized Insert Set Bracket.  I laid out the rest of the ground rules in my introductory post so feel free to check that post out as well.  Now, we move on to the good stuff (and remember to vote at the bottom of the post by leaving a comment with your choice)!

As with previous years, the 2015 Topps Allen & Ginter set was loaded with full-sized inserts.  Your task for today is to vote on which of those inserts was the best.  Let's get it started by taking a look at the candidates vying for your vote.

We'll start with the largest set, the 100-card Starting Points set.

This set celebrates the start of the featured player's MLB career.  Unlike many baseball-centric insert sets from A&G, this one features only active players at the time.

Next, a set that probably wouldn't get greenlighted today as it's all about weapons:  Ancient Armory.

This 20-card set features different weapons from throughout history.

If real weapons are too scary for you, how about fake monsters from history?  If that's more your cup of tea, then you might want to consider voting for the 20-card Menagerie of the Mind set.

This set has a checklist that is chock full of creatures from a variety of cultures and mythologies.  In fact, here's the full list of what is included:
  • MM-1 Troll
  • MM-2 Elf
  • MM-3 Dragon
  • MM-4 Phoenix
  • MM-5 Griffin
  • MM-6 Pegasus
  • MM-7 Unicorn
  • MM-8 Werewolf
  • MM-9 Hydra
  • MM-10 Cerberus
  • MM-11 Zombie
  • MM-12 Bunyip
  • MM-13 Cyclops
  • MM-14 Djinn
  • MM-15 Banshee
  • MM-16 Leprechaun
  • MM-17 Chimera
  • MM-18 Mermaid
  • MM-19 Sphinx
  • MM-20 Centaur
It's probably worth noting that this set using vastly different art styles for each card - something that could be good or bad...depends on how you feel about a cohesive looking set I guess.

Next, we look back to the past looking to the future in the 10-card What Once Would Be.

The main gimmick of this set is that it takes predictions of the future from the past, think things like "food in pill form" or "jetpacks" for an idea of what to expect here.

In a similar vein, the next 10-card set is What Was Once Believed which is kind of the same thing as the What Once Would Be set except here it's things that were considered "true" at the time but have since been debunked.

The checklist for this set includes beliefs such as "flat Earth" and "alchemy" as examples.

From things no longer believed to relatively new inventions and discoveries, if you like modern science then perhaps you'll cast your vote to the aptly named Great Scott! set.

This is another 10-card set but here the focus is on more modern scientific breakthroughs including "Dolly the Sheep" and "Polio Vaccine."

Finally, the seventh full-sized insert set from 2015 Allen & Ginter is the 10-card Keys to the City set.

This set was a retail-exclusive and featured 10 landmarks from 10 US cities.

And that's it!  Seven different sets from 2015 A&G, but only one can claim the top seed for the year.  Again, your choices are:

  • Starting Points
  • Ancient Armory
  • Menagerie of the Mind
  • What Once Would Be
  • What Was Once Believed
  • Great Scott!
  • Keys to the City
Leave a comment below for your favorite insert set from 2015 Allen & Ginter, and may the best set win!


  1. I have to go with Starting points, none of the others do much for me. seems like a down year for A&G inserts

  2. I think it's a down year, too. But I like Keys to the City, all the cards are attractive and it's consistent, unlike Menagerie of the Mind.

  3. As I scrolled down... I kept thinking this is gonna be tough, because I like What Once Would Be and What Once Was Believed. But as soon as I saw Keys to the City, it was obvious. I love that set, but had no idea Vegas was featured. I've gotta go out and get that card.

  4. I'm going with What Once Was Believed. I think that's a really clever, original idea, and it looks like they pulled it off well.

  5. Ancient Armory- the insert set I had picked for my collection. (I pick one Allen & Ginter insert set to include with my Royals team set each year. It's usually a mini set.) Close second would be Keys to the City.

  6. Ancient Armory for me!


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