Barry LarkinYear: 1996
Brand: Bowman's Best
Card number: 4
Insert: Mirror Image
The 1996 Bowman's Best set had a 10-card insert called Mirror Image. Each card in the set featured four MLB players across the two leagues, ostensibly an established star and an up-and-comer from each league. Barry is featured as the established star and paired with fellow National Leaguer Neifi Perez who was certainly considered a possible rising star at the time. The other side of this card has Cal Ripken (obvious star) paired with Mark Bellhorn (which feels like a pretty big swing and miss).
In addition to the above insert, there are also two parallels of the above insert that I still need to track down (as of the time of this post). There is an Atomic Refractor version and a Refractor version, both of which have eluded me to date (though both are currently available on COMC so maybe I should consider making a purchase)!
Sometimes pairing up prospects with legends can turn into a cool card... but most of the time it doesn't pan out. Bellhorn definitely didn't pan out (at least not for the A's).