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I'm Running Out of Good Mondays!

As the post title suggests, I'm rapidly running out of "good" Mondays.  That's right, August means the return to work is right around the corner (we start back the last week of the month).  As such, you can probably expect a slowdown in terms of posts on the blog as well as trading since I'll be back at work and quite busy.  That all being said, I'm not back quite yet so let's get to this week's TCDB trades.

We start with a swap with user MoP80:

If I've created my want list correctly, those should be the final nine base cards that I needed for my 2024 Topps Series 2 set build.  I haven't actually had the time (or ambition) to get that set in binder pages so I could be wrong...but hopefully that's the last of the needed base cards!

It's kind of hard to believe that after opening pair of hobby boxes, I still was quite a bit short of a full Series 2 base set!  Luckily, Topps flagship base cards are quite easy to come by over on TCDB so even if I screwed up and am still missing a card (or more), I should be able to have Series 2 completed soon!

And...that's it for the week.

Yep, only one trade.  To be fair, I did have a second trade that I was expecting to show off this week but the person I traded with was rather slow in mailing out.  The good news is that the trader did mark my card as "shipped" finally, so hopefully I have that to show off next week along with at least one other trade that I completed this past weekend!  
