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Buying a Card Out of Pure Spite

Shiny, Happy Cards!

One of the benefits of not having to go to work during the summer is that I have a lot more free time to check eBay for cards that I need (or simply want).  Last week, I found an auction for 13 different Silver Pack Chrome Cards from 2024 Topps Series 2.  Amazingly, I still needed 12 of the 13 cards in the lot.  Even better, the lot went for cheap (less than a buck a card which is a great rate for the Silver Pack cards this year)!

A few days later, an envelope showed up with lots of glorious shiny cards for my set build:

At this point, I am still missing 25 cards from the set (or more precisely, there are still 25 cards for which I have not yet purchased or traded for - I have a few more cards from the set on the way to me)!  Here's the full list of what I'm still searching for:

You can probably ignore the price values next to each card, TCDB does that now but I find their pricing to be rather suspect most of the time.  That said, you can at least see that there is another Elly De La Cruz card that I need and it's likely to be the most expensive card that I've yet to acquire (a similar refrain to the Series 1 set, isn't it)?!


  1. Great to see your progress on this set. Hope you can trade for everything you need.

    Now I've got that R.E.M. song stuck in my head :)

  2. Shiny happy cards....now I have the song stuck in my head with chris haha

  3. Nice pickups! You'll get them all soon enough!


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