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Board Game Friday: Top Five Board Games for Fall 2024!

This week marks the official start of fall in the northern hemisphere and what better way to celebrate cooler days than by staying inside and playing board games?!  I'm someone who likes to eat seasonally (for example, fall foods and flavors include things such as apples, cinnamon, and Brussels sprouts).  I've also found it fun to "game" seasonally with certain games much more likely to hit the table during certain times of the year.  With that in mind, here's my Top 5 Board Games for the Fall 2024:

#5:  Quacks of Quedlinburg

Quacks of Quedlinburg is a push-your-luck game where you are a witch doctor mixing up a new brew.  The ingredients that you can throw in your pot are very fall-centric including pumpkins!  Be careful to not push your luck too much your else your pot will explode.

#4:  Creature Comforts

Creature Comforts is a family-weight board game that is set in the season of fall.  In the game, you are trying to get your home nice and cozy for the coming winter.  To do so, you acquire different cozy items in the form of cards (candles, socks, etc.).  The game is a worker placement style game with wonderful components (at least in the Kickstarter version which is what I own).  A super cozy little game that's perfect for a blustery, fall day.

#3:  Dwar7s Fall

Who knew that there were so many games in my collection that were specifically geared to the fall?  Much like Creature Comforts, Dwar7s Fall is another game where you are playing in the fall season.  However, in this game, you use a combination of tile placement, hand management, worker placement, and a sprinkling of "take that" in an effort to outscore your opponents.  Ostensibly, you are trying to collect gems in order to trade those gems for food to prepare for the upcoming winter.  This is a perfect game for someone looking for a fall-themed competitive game.  

#2:  Arboretum

When I think of fall, I think of trees and leaves which makes Arboretum a perfect fall game.  In Arboretum, you are trying to put together the best (highest scoring) patch of trees while simultaneously trying to deny your opponent from scoring their trees.  It's a tight game where every turn is painful (but in the best kind of way).  

#1:  Scooby-Doo! The Board Game

When I think of fall, the number one thing that think about is Halloween and costumes.  Perhaps nothing in popular culture reminds me as much of my childhood around Halloween as the old Scooby-Doo cartoon shows.  Thus, the choice for the #1 slot on the list was an easy one:  Scooby-Doo! The Board Game.  This game is a great family-weight cooperative game where each player plays as one of the characters from the Scooby gang in an effort to solve a mystery.  The game comes with a variety of bad guys to play against, all of which are taken from classic cartoon shows.  I have the Kickstarter version of this game as well and it's glorious with prepainted minis and lots of bad guys to square off against.  Super fun for a family day in the fall and a great way to get into the Halloween spirit.

That does it for my list of my Top 5 Games for Fall 2024.  In making this list, I was surprised at how many fall-centric games I own!  I'd love to hear any of your suggestions for fall games in the comments, who knows, maybe I'll make a new list next year for Fall 2025!


  1. If I can find some free time today, I'm gonna see if there's a review/play-through on that Scooby-Doo game. That looks and sounds fun. I've never played a cooperative game, but I've seen them played a few times and the players seem to always have a lot of fun.


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