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Custom Cards from Vossbrink: Put Yer Dukes Up!

I recently received a surprise PWE in the mail from Nick over at the njwv blog.  Nick is an awesome photographer and great trade partner, he and I have swapped many trades over the years.  However, today's post isn't about a trade but rather a surprise mailing from Nick:

That's right, Nick created some more custom baseball cards and he was kind enough to send me a pair of Reds ready to punch some fools in the face.  

Nick even created authentic-looking card backs as well, complete with wonderful write-ups (frankly, write-ups that are much too good for just about anything that Topps has put out recently)!  I'm too young to have seen Rose fight Bud Harrelson but I clearly remember the Yasiel Puig game where Puig attempted to take on the entire Pirates team (and then was traded to Cleveland)!  

I have great admiration for anyone who has the skills to create such nice custom cards, it took me forever just to crank out some custom game cards for my Calculus class!  There's no way I could ever mimic a proper Topps design and have the cards turn out as nice as Nick's.  

Many thanks to Nick for the fun surprise in the mailbox!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Those are some seriously awesome cards! Topps should start making brawl cards for their update series or something. Now that's a product I would buy.

  3. These are awesome! I wonder if Nick ever got Pete to sign one of his customs.

  4. This was actually the first of two fights with the Pirates that year. I believe this picture is from the game in Pittsburgh where Dietrich hit a couple of HR into the river. The 2nd and more infamous brawl was when Amir Garrett charged the dugout, all of this having happened after Puig had been traded. Was wondering why they hadn't pulled him. Then that brawl started.


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