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TCDB Monday!

2009 Allen & Ginter For Trade

Updated: 1/10/2021

2009 Allen & Ginter cards for trade:

Update:  All of my trade bait (including 2009 Allen & Ginter) is now listed on my TCDB page.  Go here to check it out!


  1. I've got:

    Base 310, 315
    Regular Mini 203
    Hoaxes... Mini 18
    National Heroes Mini 15

    I am looking for any of the Phillies minis.

  2. I have:

    Minis: 53,100,116,143,152,l71,207,214,298,304,308

    national heroes: nh23

    hoaxes: HHB3, HHB7

    national pride: np 58

    I would love to sell you these cards at a discount to help you on your way. Good luck and please contact me! And I can also trade with you!

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    My needs list is enormous right now, but my doubles list is nice and tidy.

    Base: 34, 54, 181, 188, 195, 206, 240, 293, 319, 332, 348
    National Pride: NP8, NP9, NP10, NP11, NP12, NP14, NP15, NP16, NP17, NP18, NP19, NP20, NP21, NP22

  4. I've got a ton of these...check out my needs list...


  5. I've updated my list with both my needs and what I have to offer from '09 Allen & Ginter... At this point, I'm ready to take any trade offers!

  6. hey, will you e-mail me at jakesportlover(at)gmail.com so we can work out a deal? I can also AIM or something if thats better. Look forward to talking to you! I would like to sell you the cards you want. If you are unwilling to do that however, I can trade.

  7. Cool shoot me an email at mrodrigues9 at gmail.com

    I have plenty of stuff to trade you

  8. Just saw your comment on my page, thanks for stopping by!

    Here is what I have available so far:
    Base - 305, 308, 328, 330, 348

    National Price - NP58

    Minis - 15, 81, 99, 112, 117, 131, 132, 146,152, 168, 191, 193, 209,216, 221, 237, 261, 267, 283, 286

    I might also be able to take care of some of the other inserts.

    Shoot me an email and lets work something!

    cardboardoverload AT gmail.com

  9. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Interested! I dunno about the mini inserts though. The Bamboozles don't interest me quite as much as I hoped. Was just more interested in the stories behind them. I can probably let them go if you need them. I have 10, 15, and 16 I believe.

  10. Hey I have a trade offer for you. I picked 15 cards from a wide range of your sets you want to complete, I'll tell you what they are if you email me @ yanks1996wsc@gmail.com. I also picked out 15 Allen & ginter doubles you have and I need: 4, 8, 11, 18, 23, 31, 33, 57, 225, 338, 316, NP4, NP5, AGHS7, AGHS10. Please let me know on that. Thanks, drew

  11. Chris, I need all those minis if they haven't been claimed yet. I'll email you in a minute!

  12. I have these base minis that you need: 125, 153, 165, 285, 295, 305, 332. I also have a Chipper Jones N43 boxtopper.

    I am interested in your black border minis, and I will see what I have left for base needs.

  13. I have HHB10 for you.
    I don't have your email anymore, so I have no other way to contact you.


  14. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Hey, I have a few you may be interested in.

    Extinct Creatures EA5

    Inventions of the Future F14

    Creatures Legend Myth Terror LMT12

    send me an emial if you're interested rcrodd@gmail.com

  15. Wondering if you'll trade base deck cards for minis. I have the following to trade:

    Regular minis 98, 134, 205, 275, 279 and National Heroes 39

  16. Rob, I will most certainly trade any of the base cards for minis! Shoot me an email with what you have and we'll something out (my email can be found on my profile page).


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