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TCDB Monday!

Nachos Got Bipped (again)! Watch Out World, It's On!

Thorzul said no more.
Thorzul said we were safe.
Thorzul said to go about our daily lives.
Thorzul lied.

Who amongst us had the giant, swinging cojones to defy Thorzul's orders?  Who pushed the big, red button of war?  Who started Blog Bip War II.5?  (That's right, Roman Numerals, meet the decimals). 

I'll tell you who.


Oh, you mean there's more than one David in the blogosphere?
You don't want to fear them all?

Ok, blame this one for the upcoming Bipmageddon:  David from San Diego Cardres.

Of course, just like the last time I was bipped, it seems that the Bippers think I'm not smart enough to what is about to hit me (or else, perhaps more acccurately, they like to revel in the destruction that their Bip-grenade is about to unleash)...

Though I've never seen Bippings and Shankings equated before...

Well, let's get it over with...  The pack came with a warning label, but I'm a mathematician so I don't bother with reading directions anway...

The first card out - Mr. Bronson Arroyo.  He seems to know what's coming, look at that sly grin.

Tick, tick, BOOM!
16 Andy Hawkins attack!

Oh my.  That's about 16 more of Andy Hawkin that I'll ever need...

Now, the last time I got Bipped, I got even by Bipping two perfectly innocent bystanders...see the carnage here and here.  This time, the collatoral damage will be at least twice as bad...I've got to find a way to make everyone fear Bipping me.  And oh yeah, the next round of Bippings will come with instructions - read them or else Bippees.

Of course, David didn't just Bip me out of the blue, you see, we had agreed to a mutually accepted trade.  I sent him a big 'ol stack of 2008 UD Timeline cards, and he was to send me some assorted cards off of my want list.  You can see how nice and civil I was to him on his blog entry here.

Here are the cards I wanted from the trade:

2010 Topps:
Tales of the Game:
TOG-6.  Ernie Banks
TOG-12.  Reggie Jackson
TOG-13.  Carlton Fisk

Peak Performers:
PP-11.  Mel Ott

Legendary Lineage:LL16.  Stan Musial & Albert Pujols
LL22.  Frank Robinson & Vladimir Guerrero

Cards Your Mother Threw Out:CMT-18.  Reggie Jackson
CMT-21.  Tom Seaver
CMT-46.  Pedro Martinez
CMT-55.  Alex Gordon

History of the Game:
HOTG11.  First MLB All-Star Game
HOTG15.  Jackie Robinson Plays in his First Game
HOTG21.  DH Rule Created
HOTG25.  First MLB Game Played in Japan

2009 Topps American Heroes Heritage:149.  Abraham Lincoln & Barack Obama

2009 Topps American Heritage:
AC2.  B.B. King
AC4.  Penn & Teller
AC6.  Jesse Ventura

2009 Topps Allen & Ginter:
N43 Boxloaders:

N43-DW.  David Wright

Thanks again David (at least for the cards I wanted...the Bipping won't be soon forgotten however)!  And, of course dear blog-o-sphere...you've been warned.  And finally, if you'd like to work out a trade with me, check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. Thanks for the trade! Sorry for the bipping but I had to get my name out there! Keep me in mind for trades if you come into any interesting Padres cards.


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