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Nachos Grande Group Break: 1998 Collector's Choice Pack 05

This pack is a great pack for a certain Orioles fan who claimed the O's...

1998 Collector's Choice
Pack 05:

40.  Cal Ripken Jr.  (Orioles)
This is probably my favorite base card from the set pulled so far.

45.  Eric Davis (Orioles)

Sure, two Oriole cards in a row make this a Baltimore-friendly pack...but there's still one more to come!
53.  Kevin Orie (Cubs)
78.  Richie Sexson (Indians)
118.  Todd Dunwoody (Marlins)
124.  Brad Fullmer (Expos)
145.  Mike Piazza (Dodgers)

Piazza, like Ripken, gets the silver-border star treatment in the set.  It's an interesting shot of Piazza - notice that while you can clearly see who the player is, there are no actual logos showing.  Maybe Upper Deck should have hired their old photographers when they made their 2010 Baseball Card set.
186.  Ivan Rodriguez (Rangers)
190.  Wade Boggs (Yankees)

224.  Joey Hamilton (Padres)
232.  Bill Mueller (Giants)
241.  Paul Sorrento (Mariners)
250.  Joe Carter (Blue Jays)
SQ27.  Cal Ripken Jr. - StarQuest Special Delivery (Orioles)
And there it is, a pack with three Orioles, including two different Cal Ripken Jr. cards.  Not bad, not bad at all!


  1. Wow ! Did I call that or what !? LOL

  2. WooHoo! A piazza I don't have. Keep em coming


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