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Creeping Closer to 700 - Only 3 Posts to Go!

I got a lot of positive responses for my last "preview" of upcoming pack breaks...so let's do it again.  Here's what I have in my queue at the moment.

You may notice there is a bunch of posts on April 6.  I'm planning (hoping) to have a HUGE pack opening blowout on April 6 - one per hour from 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM.  Obviously, I've got quite a few more packs to open and queue up to make that a reality but I've got confidence.  And heck, if I don't do something like that, I'll never get through this pack break!  I'm beginning to see how Troll felt opening all those Pinnacle cards a few months ago during his break!

Stay tuned for more pack breaks, plus my 2010 MLB Predictions on Sunday!


  1. a pair of willie's???? i'm very excited to see that pack!

    although if its wilson and mcgee...

    good thing it's definitely not bloomquist and tavares...


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