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Did Somebody Say Group Break?

That's right, fresh off completing the last group break I'm ready to do it again - only this time it'll be bigger and better!

I've got a bunch of boxes lined up - more group break details coming soon (hopefully later tonight or else tomorrow depending on how my final exam grading goes)!


  1. I just got the cards from the last one in the mail today, so bring on the next one!

  2. I got my cards today also. I'm definately in for the next one, shooting for the Mets this time.

  3. Mine came today too. Thanks. Looking forward to the next one.

  4. Got my cards too! Thanks. You can probably plan on me again. I'll be gone afternoon and part of evening tomorrow.Andy graduates from BGSU in two weeks and has an awards banquet(Outstanding Print Media student) tomorrow so we'll be busy!

  5. Cards arrived and I am very pleased. I'm ready for the next break...


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