Barry Larkin
Year: 1996
Brand: Score
Subset: Star Struck
Card number: 362
The '96 Score set marked the end of my Score brand buying days. This particular Larkin card is a good example of why I ended up shying away from the brand and turning to other companies. While the theme of the card "star struck" and the design of the card technically fit, the subset as a whole really doesn't fit in with the Score set. In fact, while comparing the Star Struck cards to regular base cards, the Star Struck cards almost look cheaper...that fake star background looks like MS-Paint and the 1.5 line skip on the back means there is relatively little text compared to the regular base cards in the set. I'm also not a fan of the photo Score used on the back of the card, it looks like Larkin is more constipated than "star struck."
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