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Someday Soon - I Hope (Part II)

I meant to post this yesterday in response to the election madness - it's a repost of something I posted when Obama was first elected.  Until government manages to do what their ads promise (no matter which party), I'll continue to remind the politicians of what the average person hears from the same advertisements election after election...and what those same people actually need to see happen.

Election Days that have passed without all promises fulfilled:
November 2008

Someday Soon - by Great Big Sea

They keep talking of the things they'd do if we'd only vote them in
One more dollar and all the bickering and suffering would end.
If you'd sign your 'X' in favour it's three jobs for every man
You can burn your boats, thats what they said,
It seemed they had it planned.
And I hope they haven't forgotten, the promises they made

Cause they said they'd stop the fighting
And they said they would bring peace
And they said they'd find a serum that can cure all our disease.
And they said they'd house the homeless
And put black and white in tune
And they said they'd feed a hungry child
And I hope it's someday soon

Saw a man sleep in an alley lane with a paper for a bed
And the headline shown beneath the man and this is what they read,
"If elected there would be no persons living in the street"
But the paper couldn't even provide shelter for his freezing feet.
And I hope they haven't forgotten,
The promises they made


Well they said it would be so different, if we'd would only play their games
And I've been playing for so long and I swear its still the same!

[Chorus 2x]

Lyrics from: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/greatbigsea/somedaysoon.html


  1. I'm just fed up with politics these days. You have to sit through weeks of annoying attack ads for the elected officials not to do what they said they were going to do when begging for votes. We get a President, like him or not, who for the most part has attempted, and mostly succeeded, at doing what he said he was going to do during his campaign and since things didn't turn around immediately, it's not enough. 8 years of ruination can't be fixed in 2.


    Sorry about that. What I really wanted to post about was the face that this is a Great Big Sea song. Are you a fan of theirs? A friend of mine has written a bunch of songs with them. They're a fun band.

  2. Yeah, I'm a real big Great Big Sea fan. As for the politics, I try to avoid the left/right rhetoric (and really, at this point, that's about all it is anymore) - I think the song lyrics sum up my general discontent with all of politics, left, right, centrist, doesn't seem to matter, until people learn to get along it's all pointless.

  3. Ah, you're probably familiar with the songs that Chris has written with the band then.

    I agree. The whole right/left thing becomes even more pointless when people vote blindly based solely on that. Like the songs states, what does any of it matter if more and more unkept promises keep piling up.

  4. Here's the way I see it...

    Politicians love voters when it's time to get votes. They'll promise them the world and say things are only going to get better...as long as they are returned to office.

    Then, after they get elected, they don't have to be bothered with voters for another 2, 4 or 6 years (depending on the office).

    And we fall for it nearly every single time.


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