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The Quest for 35!

Audience Survey


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM

    It's yer blog, dude. Print what you want - we'll read it.

    I didn't bite on the trade stack because there wasn't but one or two I needed and I thought someone may have been more needy.

  2. Ah yes, as I like to tell my students: This vote may make it seem like a Democracy, but I'm still the dictator. My vote counts for n+1 where n is the number of students voting.

    I don't anticipate radical changes, but it certainly is nice to get a bit of a feel for what people specifically like (or perhaps don't like).

    As for the trade stack, claim away anytime! I plan to run the trade stack on a semi-regular basis, this is already the third different stack this month!

  3. Write about whatever you want -- it's your blog.

    (I will point out that trade posts usually bore me & don't get clicked, though.)

  4. I love the trade stacks, and any posts with lots of scans...and of course everyone likes contests. I especially like the layout of this blog, so whatever you do please don't change that part :)

    I haven't noticed too many product reviews/previews on here (at least since I started reading) so maybe a few more of those would be cool.

  5. Often time the hobby is geared at completing sets. The only think I converse with people about is what they need to complete a set. Once the set is complete it is almost dead and never talked about again.

    I'd like to hear about what different sets you have. I think that there are a lot of good ones out there, I just never hear much about them.


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