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Barry Larkin Collection 85: 2004 Donruss Playoff Honors - #58

Barry Larkin
Year:  2004
Brand:  Donruss Playoff Honors
Card number:  58

I didn't buy much (if any) Donruss after the year 2000, so the Playoff Honors set is a mystery to me.  In fact, I believe this is the only card I own from the set - but hey, if I'm only going to own one, it might as well be a Barry Larkin card, right?!

As for the card itself, the front photo is awesome!  It's a picture worthy of a Stadium Club card, and that's high honors indeed!  The back, however, leaves a bit to be desired, but as far as I'm concerned, the front is awesome enough that the back is irrelevant.  Great card for the collection!
