Barry Larkin
Year: 1991
Brand: Score
Subset: Dream Team
Card number: 888
The 1991 Score set was a huge bumbling set, but within the set there are a few pretty cool subsets. As a kid, I always liked the "big head" All-Star cards (which actually seem more apropo now than they did then) but looking back at the set, I think I like the Dream Team subset even better. There's something inherantly classy about a black and white photo, and when it's of my favorite baseball player of all time, it's extra cool.
As for the card itself, the front is nice as mentioned above, but the back is a bit of a letdown. The large block of text and the large block of nothingness on the left makes the back feel disjointed (and lazily designed). I do like the subset numbering at the bottom as well as the set numbering, it's nice to know how many cards are in a subset - especially in the days before internet blogs and eBay!
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