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A Spring Break TCDB Monday!

Barry Larkin Collection 92: 1989 Classic - Travel Purple - #165

Barry Larkin
Year:  1989
Brand:  Classic - Travel Purple
Card number:  165

I don't know much about the Classic brand of cards.  In fact, I thought they were only distributed with a game board (ala Trivial Pursuit) but I could be wrong about that.  This particular card, from what I've found online, is part of a "travel purple" set.  From that, I infer that there is at least one other travel color, not to mention a non-travel type of card.  As for the card itself, in a word "meh".  The purple and grey border is a color combination that is best never again repeated.  The back isn't much better (though I understand it was for a game so that makes it excusable).  All told, definitely not my favorite card...but a worthy addition to the collection nonetheless!
