Barry Larkin
Year: 1993
Brand: Hostess
Card number: 8 of 32
There is always a certain charm to "oddball" cards that is sometimes hard to quantify. This particular card is a rather unique card because it's both a Hostess card AND an (apprarently) licensed card! The front of the card features the familiar Reds logo along with a nice photo of Larkin about to steal second. The photo itself would probably be fine in an unlicensed set, but the Reds "C" logo in the bottom left screams "I have a license, respect me!" anyhow.
The back of the card is also fairly nice, although I don't think I'll ever understand why they chose to use four years of a player's career statistics...weird choice. I don't think I've ever seen any of the other cards from the set, but if they are all as nice as the Larkin, this might be a fun set to try and track down!
I love oddballs... not a huge fan of this particular card front design... but I love the fact that they're unique... and licensed.