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My Second Target Blaster of 2011 Topps

By now, you've all seen plenty of the 2011 Topps Series 1 set.  Not only that, but I'm sure most of you have seen blaster breakdowns from the various retail chains (and if you missed my first blaster from Target, you can find it here).  However, not many people are as willing to scan and post as many photos as I do...so for that, you owe it to yourself to check this out.

Anyhow, at the suggestion of a few different bloggers, I decided to swing by Target and pick up a second blaster with the hopes of selling both the commemorative patch card AND any star cards of the throwback parallels.  How'd I do with the blaster as a whole?  Let's find out!

Commemorative Patch:
TLMP-SSC.  Shin-Soo Choo (1909 Cleveland Naps)

I actually think this patch is kind of cool - you don't get to see a lot of the real old logos of teams on modern cards, and while it's weird that Choo is the featured player, it's still neat.  Not neat enough for me to keep however, it's already up on eBay!

The Target Throwback Parallel Packs:
Based on the two blasters I've bought from Target, one can expect to get 10 or 11 throwback cards per blaster.  That breaks down to about $1.99 per throwback card...so a complete set (with perfect collation) would set you back a bit more than $659.00!  It's easy to see why people scour eBay looking for these rather than buying a ton of blasters!

As for my two packs, unfortunately, no real stars.  The best of the first pack was probably the Cleveland Indians team throwback card.  The second pack wasn't much better though it did have a Pujols, Votto, Dunn League Leader throwback and a throwback card of Adam Dunn.  I've listed the League Leader on eBay by itself and I bundled all the other Throwback cards (plus most of the ones from my previous blaster) into a single lot that is also on eBay.

As far as the re-selling idea, I think I found a dud blaster.  No stars = no "free" net cards for me.  I've decided to group a bunch of the throwbacks together and toss 'em on the 'bay just to see what happens.

Of course, there's more than just base cards in every pack!  While the throwback cards were less than ideal for reselling, I was REALLY happy with the inserts in the two packs.  The first pack gave me another SHINY card (remember, I WANT THEM ALL) as well as a nice Gehrig Vintage Reproduction insert and a Guerrero Topps Town card.

The second pack had a Manny Topps Town which no one probably cares about...but it also happened to feature not one, but TWO different Barry Larkin inserts!

It's been a long time since I've pulled a Larkin card from a pack...and to get two of them from the same pack, well, that was exciting and made up for the disappointment of the rest of the blaster!  I also happen to like both cards - especially the Topps 60 one!

After the excitement of the commemorative patch (just kidding) and the two throwback packs, the rest of the blaster was basically more of what everyone has seen plenty of by now.  Even so, I'd be remiss if I didn't at least highlight my favorite card out of each of the remaining packs.

Regular Pack 1:  A Gaylord Perry card normally would win, but the Chris Volstad Shiny card is even better...especially since I want them all (did I mention that yet)?

Regular Pack 2:  The best card here is a scary photo of Clay Buchholz as part of the Kimball mini set.  I like the Kimball mini set quite a bit (in fact, I used some of the money I'm assuming I will get back to purchase the complete Kimball set from eBay).  I figured I wouldn't be able to afford a case of Series 1 anymore, so that was the next best move.  For my loyal blog readers, it means that all of my other Kimball minis are now up for trade!

Regular Pack 3:  This pack was super boring.  I guess I'll give the nod to the Boggs/Youkilis Diamond Duo card...not one base card was of an interesting player (nor did they have any interesting photos, something somewhat rare for this year's set)!

Regular Pack 4:  My first Yonder Alonso card - and a really nice card at that.  The red of the name banner at the bottom of the card looks really sharp with the Reds logo and the red stitching of the baseball in the bottom right...and all of that goes well with the red of Alonso's uniform.  A great card all around!

Regular Pack 5:  Does anyone know if the Diamond Giveaway will be a good deal this year?  Pack 5 had the promised giveaway code card...I'm wondering how it will differ from last year's Million Card Giveaway?  That card, however, wasn't the best (at least not yet, it may be should the code cards be of value once the site is launched).  For now, the honor for the best card goes to the sthird shiny card in the blaster - this time of Ian Kennedy.

Regular Pack 6:  There was a Ubaldo Jimenez Kimball mini, a Manny Ramirez 60 Years of Topps card (do all the cards #60YOT-50 have the Home Team Advantage stamp on them or is there a parallel within the insert set?  Certainly the 2001 set didn't all have the stamp on them (and no mention is made of the stamp on the card back).

The best card from the pack (unless that Manny is somehow special) is the Cincinnati Reds team card - I love this card!

Regular Pack 7:  This pack featured two cards with Robinson Cano on them (Diamond Duo and Topps Town) but there is no way those could be the best cards in the pack when I pulled a card of Joey Votto!

Regular Pack 8:  The History of Topps cards are boring (at best)...pulling the one "celebrating" Topps receiving the MLB Exclusive license...that just makes me sick.  Chipper Jones' Topps 60 card earns best of for the last pack in the blaster.

All told, I like the set quite a bit - the blaster may not have lived up to the hopes I had for it, but then again, anyone trying to make money flipping base Topps is probably an idiot to start with...


  1. Before you toss the Throwback on the Bay, toss the Red Sox ones to Missouri...

  2. Indians fan here. I threw a bid down on that great Choo card. Thanks

  3. i appreciate all the pics and the breakdown... sorry you didn't get more of what you hoped though... (except some shiny's!)


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