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The Great Purging 3

A couple of months ago, I completed the second Great Purging of my blog roll.  In case you missed it, here's what is about to happen:

It's time for the third Great Purging (and no, I'm not talking about the Great Purging that typically follows a trip to the Taco Bell Drive Thru). Instead, it's time to whittle down my blog list. Whenever I stumble across a new, interesting blog (mostly baseball related, but not always), I try to add it to my blog list so that I can find it again. The problem is, my blog list has grown unmanageably large...too large in fact that when I click "show all" my computer slows down as the list is formulated. As such, any blog that hasn't been updated within the last 12 months is being shown the proverbial door.
However, as a last hurrah, I'll give 'em each one more shot at past glory in an everlasting tribute in this particular blog entry. (Ok, so it's not quite a Pulitzer, but hey, better than rotting away as a bunch of 1s and 0s right?)

Before I start the purging, my blog roll sits at 227 blogs (an increase of twenty-one new blogs since January's purging)!  Let's see which blogs get their last chance to shine before being flushed into the gigantic void that is only 1s and 0s.

The Perfect Game:  This particular blog still exists (and looks quite nice I might add).  However, to the best of my knowledge, no new material has been added in about a year or so...not to mention that this blog has been sitting at the bottom of my blog roll for a long time since it didn't seem to support Blogger's automatic blog roll updating.

Will Work for Cards:  WWfC is another blog that still exists, but the last update was in September of 2009!  It's sad for me to have to remove this particular blog since the blog's author was a big Reds fan.  Unfortunately, 1.5 years is probably enough time to be sure the author has no plans to return to the blog.  Adios Will Word for Cards, I hope you found a new job that pays better!

Box Opener:  The problem with blogs like Box Opener is that eventually most people will run out of at least one of the following:  boxes to open, cash to buy boxes, and/or interest in busting cards.  I have no idea which of the three contributed to Box Opener's demise, but I would guess the lack of interest was a factor judging by a few of the late comments made about 2009's Allen & Ginter set.

Beer and Baseball Cards:  The last post of this blog claimed the author was coming back (happened on October 4, 2009):
Well after 6+ months of hard work, the renovations on our new home are nearly done. I just need to finish up some work in the yard and in the new kitchen and we'll be done. After that I hope to return to more regular blogging - so look for that in the near future!
I guess the renovations took a lot longer than expected...or else the Pirates continued poor play meant more beer and less baseball cards.

Fantasy Football Nerdery:  Following Beer and Baseball Card's lead, Fantasy Football Nerdery promised a quick return to blogging (in November of 2009) and has been missing ever since.  Maybe I can blame my fantasy football losses last year on the demise of this site?  Doubtful.

Sac Bunt Baseball Card Blog:  The old link to this blog takes you to a Cheap Flights page.  Obviously, this particular blog is gone for good.

Traded Sets:  Want to know why you should always have automatic spam detection on your blog posts?  Check out the last post by Traded Sets (some sort of contest) - it gets extra "spammy" as time goes on!

Cheese and Beer:  The good news is that I'm almost out of blogs on my blog roll that stopped updating in 2009.  Cheese and Beer stopped posting in December of 09 with one of the most disturbing photos you'll likely see on any baseball card blogs.  Don't say you weren't warned!

From Reel to Field:  This blog no longer exists - but if you like the name, you can now register it with blogger for free!

The Mojo Hand:  Finally, a blog that simply merged rather than all together disappearing.  I probably should have removed The Mojo Hand a long time ago, but hey, better late than never.  You can find the "new" home of Mojo, Beardy, and the rest of the crew here.

Well, that's it for this round of purging.  I managed to flush away another ten blogs from the blog roll - and now all the blogs on my blog roll have had at least one update since January 1, 2010.  That means the total number of blogs on my blog roll is 217 (and if somehow I missed your blog, let me know in the comments below)!  Before long, I'll have to continue purging because there are a bunch of blogs that haven't been active since early 2010...and that means they have passes the 12 month non-posting threshold for elimination!


  1. I love that last Traded Sets post. Both for its spamminess, and for the fact that I won - it was the Tulo/Ripken Dual and I traded it a while back for awesome things.


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