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The Quest for 35!

Dear Topps (2011 Version)

To whom it may concern:
I recently busted a case of 2011 Topps Allen & Ginter and ran into a few problems.
1.  One of my boxes only contained two hits...2.  The case didn't contain a single rip card  (my guess is that the missing hit from the box was supposed to be the promised rip card)3.  A few of my packs (about five packs total in the case) didn't have a mini card at all.
This is the second consecutive year that I've ordered a case of Allen & Ginter early and the second consecutive year I've been shorted a rip card.  Obviously, that has left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth for a set that I otherwise love.  I have saved the box and wrappers (like I had to last year) but I need the address of which to send the materials to (plus any other instructions).  
Thank you for your time-Me

The above letter was emailed to Topps on 7/14/11 at 7:24 PM EST.  I'll keep you posted on their response.  It's quite frustrating to be shorted the rip card because I was hoping to sell it right away to recoup some of my investment and it's even worse now because even if Topps does send me what they promise in their cases, I'm unlikely to get a "good" rip card to sell.

Maybe I shouldn't blog when I'm annoyed - I had to erase about three paragraphs of rants.  I'll let Topps take their action before I say much more on the subject, I suppose that's only fair.


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