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Delivery Time! Knocking More Shinies Off My Want List!

It's time for a quick little trade post - this one comes from blog reader Jeff.  Jeff and I agreed to a trade and each sent out our respective envelopes back in early August.  Now that it is early September, I suppose I ought to show off what I got.

Basically, I turned some of my extra 2011 Topps base cards into three Diamond parallels that I needed:

439.  Ervin Santana

558.  Carlos Zambrano

638.  Ryan Madson - easily my favorite of the three cards!

These three cards earn Jeff an additional three entries into my complete set giveaway contest.  Remember, if I am able to complete the diamond parallel set (Series 1 and 2 only), then I'm giving away a full set of Allen & Ginter (including all the short prints).  Even if I don't complete the set, I'm still giving away some pretty good prizes!  It's not too late - check your diamond cards with the ones I need, maybe you are holding the key to winning a prize!
