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PWE Week: The 2008 Upper Deck Comeback? Plus a poll.

Here's a quick trade post (after all, that's fully in the spirit of plain white envelope week)!  This one comes from Jordan:

In exchange for that shiny 2008 Upper Deck card, Jordan ended up with one of my trade stacks (#33b if you are really curious).  Why #33b?  Well, it turned out that two people claimed the stack in two different ways - luckily I had duplicates of all the cards in that particular stack (a rarity I might add) so I was able to acquiesce to both parties requests.  And yes, I just went (almost) Pirates of the Caribbean on you.

In another strange turn of events, a strange tide if you will (I crack myself up), this is the second time 2008 Upper Deck cards have been a part of a trade for me in the last week.  I'm sending a stack of about 20 cards from the set out on Friday...  Does anyone else need any 2008 Upper Deck cards?  I have a few Series 1 remaining and quite a few Series 2 cards as well.  Let me know!

Finally, a quick reminder to check out this entry and then vote in my poll on the side of the blog. As of the time that I wrote this post, the 1988 Fleer card had a one vote advantage of the 1988 Topps card for second place (I don't think any card will usurp the rookie card in this round).  I'm rather disappointed by that vote but I'm sure the late voters will make the correct decision.

 Thanks for the card Jordan - and if anyone else would like to trade, you know the drill.  Check out my want list and make an offer!

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