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Barry Larkin Collection 120: 2001 Fleer Showcase - #2

Barry Larkin
Year:  2001
Brand:  Fleer Showcase
Card number:  2

What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than by showing off another card from Barry Larkin Collection?  Out of all the various sets and cards that I collect, I think I love my Larkin Collection the most (though Allen & Ginter is a close second)!  Enough of the mushy though, let's take a look at the latest addition to the collection.

The 2001 Fleer Showcase design was fairly plain but not terrible.  I think the position logo at the top of the front of the card is a bit too large, but otherwise it's not a bad looking card.  I like the backs of the cards quite a bit - I always appreciate lots of statistics AND a photo.  It's even better when the two work together in harmony.

See, it's all about the love today.
