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Delivery Time: Night Owl Trades Peanuts for Good Stuff

Greg (from Night Owl Cards) and I recently completed our gabillionth* trade.  This time, I sent Greg 25 base cards from 2011 Lineage (or as he calls them, packing peanuts).  In return, I was able land about a dozen cards from my own want lists!


What amazed me the most about this trade is that no matter how many times I trade with Greg, he always manages to knock a substantial chunk of cards off my want list.  It's almost like he is manufacturing cards specifically for my want list in an effort to keep wooing Dodgers (and packing peanuts) away from me.  Whatever he's doing, I hope it continues because there's not much better than getting to knock cards off the 'ol want list.

We'll start with the only card that Greg sent me that wasn't on my want list...but it's probably the coolest of all the cards - 2011 Topps Diamond Platinum Cognac Blue Tint Sparkly Exclusive* card of Fred Lewis (#ed 57/60)

*real name for the parallel unknown since I never pull anything this rare, but I'm guessing that it some of the above words in it somewhere so I'm close enough.

Next, a pair of regular 'ol diamond parallels.  I'm still working my way towards completing the set so every bit helps!

Greg also sent me a pair of Topps Lineage cards.

First, a Hunter Pence stand-up card (which means I'm now only missing the A-Rod stand-up and the Hank Aaron stand-up).   The other Lineage card was a platinum parallel of Joey Votto.  I decided against trying to complete any of the parallel sets in their entirety, instead I am focusing only on the Reds in the three parallel sets (diamond, platinum, and 1975 minis).  

The above cards were all appreciated, but not entirely surprising (other than the Lewis card) because they are relatively new.  Greg blew the trade package out of the proverbial water with his inclusion of seven different 2008 UD Timelines cards that I needed.

Given that group of cards, I'm oh-so-close to having the Timelines set complete.  I'm only missing the following 22 cards:
Base: 232, 235, 274, 276, 279, 288, 300, 302, 304, 308, 332, 334, 336, 341, 345, 356, 361, 363, 366, 373, 374, 375
Not bad considering there are something like 250 short prints in that set!

Thanks a lot for yet another trade Greg!  And, as always, if anyone else would like to trade, check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. You're welcome.

    And those blue sparkly cards are called "hope diamond parallels"


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