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Hitting Up eBay for a #/25!

Group Break Sign-Ups are LIVE!

Each time I host a group break, I try to keep things fresh.  The last group break was heavy on boxes that provided hits (and we did quite well I thought) so this time I went in a slightly different direction.

Thanks to our group break sponsor:  Baseball Card Exchange

The details:  The break will consist of FIVE different boxes of cards (see below) plus TWELVE boxes of mini baseball figures (details below as well).  A single team of your choice will cost $25.00 to enter (price includes shipping).  You can add a second (randomized) team for an extra $5.00.  Thus, for the low price of $30.00 - a blaster and a half if you will, you get two teams' worth of cards from five different boxes of cards plus the twelve boxes of mini figures.  If you wish to claim two teams of your choice plus ONE random team, there is a small discount - total price:  $50.00.  Shipping to anywhere outside of the United States will add $5.00 extra - sorry!  All payments should be made to the PayPal address in my profile fanofreds.auctions which is a gmail.com address.

Please send payment via PayPal to the email address in my profile. When paying, please pay as "gift" and DO NOT put any other information in the payment. Instead, send me a separate email stating:
1. Your user name you used to sign up for the group break
2. Your email address used for payment
3. The team(s) you claimed.
4. Your mailing address

ALL TEAM CLAIMS MUST BE MADE ON THIS FORM. PAYMENT IS EXPECTED WITHIN 24 HOURS. If you cannot pay in that time frame, please email me and perhaps we can work something out!

Here are the boxes in the break:

First, there are some mini baseball player figurines to be distributed...

First, there are TWELVE boxes of mini figures from the 2004 MLB SportsClix set produced by Topps.  Each box contains THREE different figures meaning that there are 36 total figures to be given away in the break.

In addition to the mini figures, there are five different boxes of cards as part of the break.

First, a box of 2003 Donruss Studio.

The Donruss Studio box features 20 packs (6 cards per pack) and claims to have plenty of parallels (serially numbered) plus the chance at two-piece memorabilia cards numbered to 50.  The back of the box states the average insert ratio is 1 in every other pack.

Next, a box of 1995 Topps Dimension III cards.

This box contains 24 packs (but without opening the box I can't say how many cards are in each pack).  The box feels heavy though, so I'm guessing there are a lot of cards lurking in the box.  I had never heard of this set before I saw it and purchased it for the group break - hopefully it'll add something new to your collection from the mid-90s that you may have overlooked back then!

Speaking of the mid-90s, I am also opening a box of 1996 Fleer Circa.

The Circa box features 24 packs as well (and like the '95 Topps Dimension III box, Fleer doesn't divulge how many cards per pack).  The box does advertise parallels numbered to less than 150 though which is a HUGE deal for cards from 1995!

Sticking with the Fleer theme, but getting a bit more high-end, there is a box of 1998 Flair Showcase that is included in the break.

The Flair Showcase box has 24 packs with an unknown number of cards per pack - at least until I open this box up!  I guess it's a sign of the times that they didn't include the number of cards per pack on the box.  The Flair Showcase box from the last two group breaks were both fun (and both from years other than 1998) so hopefully this box is as well!

And finally, the big "prize":  2002 Fleer Fall Classics.

This box will be sure to provide us with some hits in the break - four of them according to the box!  There are 24 packs of cards with 5 cards per pack - and hits are seeded 1:6 packs.  There are some really nice dual swatches, as well as bat cads in the set not to mention the usual assortment of parallels and serially numbered cards.

Here are the available teams:
Teams remaining:  12
Last update:  3/3/12 at 11:31 AM EST

Arizona Diamondbacks
Atlanta Braves - DutchCardGuy +1 (PAID)
Baltimore Orioles - apba66and0 +1 (PAID)
Boston Red Sox - Brad +1 (PAID)
Chicago White Sox
Chicago Cubs
Cincinnati Reds - Nachos Grande (PAID)
Cleveland Indians - Jason +1 (PAID)
Colorado Rockies
Detroit Tigers
Florida Marlins
Houston Astros
Kansas City Royals - Tim +1 (PAID)
Los Angeles Angels
Los Angeles Dodgers - Night Owl (payment pending)
Milwaukee Brewers
Minnesota Twins
New York Mets
New York Yankees - NYHitman +1 (PAID)
Oakland Athletics
Philadelphia Phillies - Brad (PAID)
Pittsburgh Pirates
San Diego Padres
San Francisco Giants - arpsmith +1 (PAID)
Seattle Mariners
St. Louis Cardinals - Tim (PAID)
Tampa Bay Rays
Texas Rangers
Toronto Blue Jays
Washington Nationals/Montreal Expos


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'll take the Yankees and a random team! I'll send payment tomorrow if that's OK

  3. Dang! I really wanted the Yankees on this one. I'm missing 6 cards for a master set of 2002 Fall Classics and 4 were Yankees. Granted most were long shots but still. I guess I'll try the Orioles again since 1 is a Brooks Robinson MVP patch. I'll also take a random since they do better for me anyway.

  4. I'll take the Indians plus a random please. This looks like another good one. I'll send payment in morning if that's ok. Thanks.

  5. I'll take the Cards and Royals. Thanks!

  6. I will take the Giants and a random team.

  7. braves plus random please

  8. If you can wait until I get some cash in the paypal account, I'll take the Dodgers

  9. Dodgers are yours Night Owl! I've updated the various teams to include everyone who has claimed (and everyone who has paid) to date.

  10. Hi, I'll take the phillies and the red sox and a random team.. the 50 dollars will be coming shortly, my mailing address has changed so i will send you an e-mail today


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