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TCDB: Can I Ever Get Rid of 18,384 cards?!

Delivery Time! Trade with Nick from The Lost Cards File!

Last week, I completed a trade with Nick from The Lost Cards File.  Nick is trying to put together a master set of the 2011 Topps Lineage set - a fun goal I would think!  Since I bought way more Lineage than I care to admit, I was able to help him quite a bit in exchange for him knocking a few cards off my want list.  Before I show off my part of the trade, I should point out that I have a TON of Topps Lineage stuff available for trade, check it out here if you haven't already!

As I mentioned, Nick helped me out with my own want lists - including some National Chicle cards...
298.  Joe Morgan

Doesn't the Morgan card look like Joe's head was photoshopped onto some other guy's body?

320.  Josh Thole

The National Chicle set had some neat ideas - including the "old cards" with new player sketches...  Unfortunately, there were too many short prints (and not enough interest) which has proven to make completing this set nearly impossible!

324.  Matt Carson

The right foot of Carson really bothers me in the painting. I'm not sure why, but I can't get past it whenever I look at the card.

I sent Nick 11 different Lineage inserts - so you know I got more than just the three National Chicle cards.  He also sent me one of the most elusive cards on my list - a Cards Your Mom Threw Out of Eddie Murray.

The Murray has been on my list since the set first came out - and I have no fewer than three different people promise to send me the card only to back out for varying reasons.  Actually, two backed out and one person never sent his end of the trade (which also included the only other remaining 2010 Topps card I need - The History of the World Series #25).

Finally, Nick also sent me a few Gypsy Queen cards (of the 2011 variety which is the only set I'm trying to complete) including one base card and two short prints (Valencia and Pena)!

Thanks for the trade Nick - and as always, if anyone else would like to trade - check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. hey nachos, i've looked at your want list a few times because occasionally you post cards i want to trade for.
    unfortunately, i dont have anything on your list. it seems really specific (this number card from this set) and i dont see any other options about what you collect...sooo, are there other options?

  2. Yeah, I collect any (and all) Barry Larkin cards, plus there are a few sets that I've decided to try and collect that aren't on my want list (like 2006 Allen & Ginter). I also occasionally trade for Reds cards if I don't have them.


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