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TCDB Monday!

Announcing: The Elusive Eight!

You are probably aware that I have a rather extensive want list.  Unfortunately, given the large number of sets that I am currently working on, sometimes the sets that only have one or two missing cards go unchecked.  That's what the Elusive Eight is for - a visual checklist if you will of the final card(s) that I need for any given sets.  On this list, you'll find a gamut of sets - it is my hope that maybe you'll see a picture of a card and think to yourself "oh, I have that somewhere" and then you'll go find that card and trade it to me!

The Elusive Eight:

2011 Topps Lineage:
Platinum Parallel:
21.  Edinson Volquez

I actually am missing two of the Platinum parallels, Volquez (pictured above - photo from eBay) and 191 Johnny Bench.

2011 Topps Allen & Ginter:
Animals in Peril:
AP25.  Black-Footed Ferret

This is the final card I need from the Animals in Peril subset.  I happen to have a few extra cards from the set if you are interested in working out a two-for-one deal (or even a three- or four-for-one deal if that is what it takes)!  (Image from eBay).


2011 Topps Gypsy Queen:
Sticky Fingers:
SF5.  Elvis Andrus

The last Sticky Fingers card that I need (image from eBay).  I have a few 2011 Gypsy Queen cards available for trade as well.

2011 Topps Allen & Ginter:
Cabinet card:
CB9.  Yellowstone National Park

The final Cabinet card that I need from the set (image from CheckOutMyCards.com).

2009 Topps Allen & Ginter:
Inventions of the Future:
5.  Mental Movies

As with most cards on the Elusive Eight, this is another one that serves as the final card that I need.  The Inventions of the Future cards (image from eBay) are pretty rare though so I expect this card will remain on my list for quite some time.

2009 Topps Heritage:
Then & Now (low series):
TN1.  Ernie Banks & Ryan Howard

I need a bunch of 2009 Topps Heritage inserts (both high and low series) but the Then & Now set from the low series is one of the few sets that I'm a mere one card away from completing.  Once again, the image was yanked from eBay.

2009 Topps:
Target "Throwback" Retro Parallel:
238.  Jorge Cantu

I've managed to put together all of the series 1 Target parallels except for this Cantu card (image from CheckOutMyCards.com).

2008 Upper Deck Spectrum:
64.  Alex Rodriguez

I would have thought that most people would be happy to trade away their Yankees - but somehow Mr. A-Rod has been eluding me since 2008.  I'd love to acquire this card so that I can get Spectrum off of my want list (why I ever chose to collect the set in the first place is a mystery).  Image from CheckOutMyCards.com but you probably knew that already.

There are my Elusive Eight!  Of course, I have a full want list (including plenty of other 1-card-'til-I'm-done sets).  


  1. I am almost certain I have at least two of these. Whether I can find them is an entirely different matter...

  2. I can send you #6 and #8 in return for the package you sent me earlier in the summer.


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