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A Bunch of Updates!

I have an assorted group of update for everyone:

1.  Allen & Ginter group break participants:  If you have claimed any of the following teams, your package of cards is in the mail today (7/23):  Red Sox, Phillies, White Sox, Brewers, Dodgers, Angels, Twins, Mariners, Rays, Cardinals, Rangers, and Tigers.  If your team is not yet listed, don't worry.  I needed addresses from a few people and for the rest of you...well, I didn't have time to package up any more cards today!

2.  Topps:
You may recall that I opened my own case of cards and I was slighted out of the rip card case hit.  Topps has implemented a new online submission form which was MUCH QUICKER and easier (and didn't cost me anything extra like packaging and postage) and the missing card arrived today - very quickly.

I complain when Topps screws up so it's only fair to give them credit when they make good.  The quick turnaround was impressive and I appreciate it Topps, thanks!  I haven't decided what to do with my rip card yet - do I rip it or sell it?!

3.  Trade bait:  If anyone out there is still looking for 2012 Allen & Ginter cards, let me know.  I have a ton available for trade!


  1. Of course you rip it! :-) It's just Carl Crawford. He will understand.

    I bet inside will be a mini...of Carl Crawford.

  2. I've been largely MIA for two months but getting back in the swing.

    I'm interested in Reds, Tigers, Historical Turning Points, Tallest Buildings (have Chrysler), Highlight Sketches, Musical Masters, People of the Bible, MBF1, GD5 and maybe the Military Leaders.


  3. Dude, I'll totally trade you for that CC post rip!

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I'll be interested in trading as well. Will have a trade / want list as soon as I get the cards from the group break from you.

    Oh - also, I agree, if the process to get things like this corrected is online and faster, that's a huge improvement. Good for Topps in this case.


  5. I'd rip it...unless CCC makes you a great offer.


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