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UD Retro Week: Happy Fourth of July (Let's Open Packs!)

I hope everyone is having a great Fourth of July.  Chances are you are out and about enjoying a picnic and fireworks later this evening just like me...luckily for me I get to write this post and schedule it ahead of time!  And lucky for you, you can look back through the blog archives to see what you missed while you were stuffing your face with hot dogs, hamburgers, and potato salad.  It's a win-win!

Pack 12:
14.  Pedro Martinez
16.  Ernie Banks

17.  Mark Grace
44.  Charles Johnson
106.  Futurama:  Mike Caruso
115.  Futurama:  Mark Kotsay

Have you ever seen a guy so freakin' happy for a posed photo?!  Heck, Banks would be fielding a throw to first from the dugout or the stands with that goofy shot.

Pack 13:
7.  Andruw Jones
12.  Brooks Robinson
47.  Raul Mondesi
77.  Jason Kendall
TC14.  Time Capsule:  Tino Martinez

G27.  Groovy Kind of Glove:  Ken Caminiti

After a few dull packs (in terms of inserts), we hit a double-insert pack.  I guess it plays into the whole lottery thing when it comes to pack buying!  Good thing I usually buy my packs by the box (or blaster) full.  I don't have much luck so the only way I can be sure to get the box hits is to buy the whole box!

Pack 14:
15.  Mo Vaughn
26.  Sean Casey

44.  Charles Johnson
92.  Alex Rodriguez

109.  Futurama:  Russell Branyan
115.  Futurama:  Mark Kotsay

It took 14 packs but I finally got my first Red out of the box.  Sheesh!  I also scanned the A-Rod card because I found it rather poetic.  That oncoming storm in the background?  That's him ditching the Mariners to go play for the big money Rangers (and later, the even bigger money Yankees).
