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TCDB: Can I Ever Get Rid of 18,384 cards?!

Delivery Time! Millions of Roadkill Minis

Each year (it seems), Duane (from Democratic Roadkill) and I make a fairly hefty swap of Ginter minis.  Duane must buy minis by the boat load because he chases the regular, ad back, and black bordered versions and still has cards to send my way.  In return, I usually can help him out with both the ad back and the black bordered minis since I don't collect those typically (this year I'm only chasing the Reds from those two versions.

Before you see the majority of the minis Duane sent my way, I want to show off my favorite mini of the bunch.

That's right - a freakin' poodle.

Now, do I like the poodle card itself (no).  Do I like poodles in general (no again).  So why is it my favorite?  Well, it completes my Man's Best Friend set - the one set this year that I was determined to finish!

Duane also got me a bit closer to completing most of the other mini sets - a whale, a musical master, a couple of military leaders, and Abraham.

He also sent me a trio of black bordered Reds minis...

...and a pair of A&G back Reds minis.

Finally, there was a big 'ol stack of regular back minis.

Thanks for all the cards Duane!  And, as always, if anyone else would like to swap - check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. Normally I'd agree with you on the poodle thing. But last month I was in a store in which the owner had a poodle that lived in the store. The dog was the friendliest, funniest little thing you ever saw. Going up to customers and just being charming. Changed my whole perspective on poodles that day.

  2. thanks for the trade.....i am almost done with the reg back set..... down to 6 i think.... oh and I am collecting the gold set as well...so um 4 mini sets plus the ext minis....so um I am insane....

  3. Anonymous11:31 PM

    When I was growing up, my family had a purebred poodle, and he was the coolest dog. Friendly, fun to play with, goofy at times. Not at all the prissy, stereotypical poodle. They ain't all bad.

    On another topic, I have a confession to make: I only just realized that your blog's URL says "Fan Of Reds"... For some reason, my brain broke it up as "Fan O' Freds". I never thought much about which Freds or why "Fred" to start with, there are plenty of other blog names I don't understand. When I did figure it out, I felt stupid, then I felt like sharing my stupidity with you and all your readers.

  4. schlab (can I call you schlab?): You aren't alone. The name actually dates back to when I used to blog over at The Sporting News. I used the name fanofreds there and I can't tell you how many people thought it was fan 'o Freds. I probably should have chosen a blog url like NachosGrande or something but I wasn't smart enough to think of that when I originally signed up with Blogger (and it's too late to change now)!


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