Barry Larkin
Year: 1995
Brand: Topps Stadium Club
Card number: 211
Subset: Best Seat in the House
The 1995 Topps Stadium Club set is full of Barry Larkin cards but
not all of them are memorable. Luckily, this particular card is quite nice. The Best Seat in the House subset consists of a total of ten players in Series I (series II had another ten players featured). The front is a fairly standard Stadium Club shot but the back of the card is kind of cool. I like the paint peeling in the background, it fits with most of the stadiums in 1995 (just before the stadium building boom)! I also like the different stadium measurements. Finally, Topps ties the entire theme together with the short blurb about the best seat to watch Larkin play. All around, this is my favorite of the many different subsets in the 1995 Topps Stadium Club set.
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