Barry Larkin
Year: 1997
Brand: Pinnacle Zenith
Card number: 9
The 1997 Zenith set appears to be Pinnacle's answer to Topps' Stadium Club set. The cards are printed on thicker stock and feature full bleed photography. Unfortunately for Pinnacle (if this Larkin card is any indication), Topps still had the monopoly on crisp photography! Despite the somewhat blurry image, this is a nice looking card (and I like the hit location chart on the back of the card as a change of pace from typical card backs). I would have liked to see the player's name on the front of the card (a huge design flaw in my book). Basically, the 1997 Pinnacle Zenith set is an interesting set with a few intriguing ideas...but ultimately it is weighed down by some basic design oversights (player's name & team both missing on the front of the card, somewhat blurry images, etc.).
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