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Barry Larkin Collection 289: 1992 Upper Deck FanFest - #30

Barry Larkin
Year:  1992
Brand:  Upper Deck FanFest
Card number:  30

In 1992, Upper Deck released a FanFest boxed set (54 cards total) to commemorate the 1992 All-Star game that was held in San Diego.  The set featured ten future heroes, ten past heroes, and 34 current All-Stars (one of which was Barry Larkin).

As for the card itself, the front features a (much too large) logo of for the All-Star FanFest which includes the Padres team logo (which seems out of place - Upper Deck should have used the 1992 All-Star game logo instead).  In terms of the photography choice, this also wasn't Upper Deck's finest work as Larkin is featured in a rather pedestrian mid-swing shot.

The back of the card makes up for the front though because you get a large block of text full of interesting information including Larkin's playing history in All-Star games leading up to the 1992 clash.

According to baseballcardpedia, there is also a special gold hologram parallel set that exists for the FanFest set.  The gold hologram set was seeded 1 per 60 set case and the hologram set differs from the regular set by a gold hologram on the back of each card.  Unfortunately, as of the time of this post I do not possess the gold hologram version of the Barry Larkin card.
