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Birthday Haul! One of the Best Autographs in my Collection!

Last Tuesday I celebrated my 32nd birthday.  Now, I've often heard that the older you get the less birthdays matter, or at least, the less birthdays are exciting.

I beg to differ.

My 32nd birthday was pretty great really - in fact, I ended up getting lots of great gifts, plus I had two different deserts made for me - and I spent my birthday evening playing cards with friends and family.

You really can't beat that.

Now, not all of my birthday gifts are probably of interest to my baseball card readers (such as some LEGO Series 12 minifigure packs)...but I think this one is of particular interest to my readers:

Yep, that's my first Ken Griffey Jr. autograph in my collection!  The little beauty was courtesy of my brother and his wife (though I imagine my brother's wife had very little to do with picking out that card for me)!

In addition to the Griffey Jr. autograph, my brother also bought me one of those Fairfield repack boxes.

The one he got me advertises one memorabilia card plus three unopened packs in it.

My three packs?  Not the most overwhelming options...

Yeah, that's two packs of 2013 Topps Series 2 and one pack of 2013 Topps Chrome.

However, while the pack selection may not have been super exciting, I was happy since I'm still attempting to complete the 2013 Topps Chrome set.  I actually still need a lot of cards from that set - so hopefully I land at least one that I need within the four cards from that pack!

In addition to the three packs, the repack box also promised one hit.  The hit came in a white envelope (protected by a penny sleeve).  My hit?

A Yankee...

At least this is:
A)  Numbered out of 1000.  In particular, it's #0210/1000.
B)  From a high end set (2002 Topps Pristine)

I actually like the card design quite a bit on this one - and it's definitely shiny!  I probably wouldn't have been all that happy to open a box of 2002 Topps Pristine and pull this card...but a relic numbered out of 1000 from a repack box?  Yes please!

A big thank you to my brother and his wife - this was a fun gift to open..and I still have the three packs to rip which I'll (maybe) do on video at some point in the near future!


  1. Re: the Griffey auto—BOOYAH!

  2. That's just a beautiful signature by Griffey. I wish more players took pride in signing their name... One of my favorites is Andre Dawson, but Griffey is now in the Top 5 also.

  3. Late B-Day congrats =)
    Great cards!


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