Barry Larkin
Year: 1994
Brand: Church's Chicken Hometown Stars
Card number: 12
I've never eaten at a Church's Chicken so I can't judge their food. I can, however, judge their baseball card. The card was actually produced by Pinnacle but it is completely devoid of any team logos.
According to baseballcardpedia, this set also has a gold parallel which is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard of in regards to an oddball set. Despite that, I will admit that this is a nice looking card. The front has a nice action shot (complete with one of the guys from Men in Black in the background). The back features a head shot of Barry (complete with an airbrushed cap). I think this card easily makes the top half of all Barry Larkin might even be in the top 25%!
I've got the Church's Dwight Gooden, and have seen a couple of others from this set, and I have to say that it seems to be one of the nicest unlicensed oddball sets you'll find.