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Theme Week: Better Know a Blogger (Matthew from Dodger Penguin)

Welcome to "Better Know a Blogger" Theme Week here at Nachos Grande.  About a week or so ago, I put out a call to any interested bloggers to answer a short questionnaire that I had prepared.  The goal of the questionnaire is for all of us to get to better know some of the various personalities on the blogs!  I hope you find this Theme Week as much fun as I did - and hopefully you'll learn something about your fellow bloggers as the week progresses!

1. Your name (or alias):  Matthew or better know as DodgerPenguin
2. Your blog website:  Dodger Penguin
3. What kind of collector do you consider yourself (team collector, player collector, set collector, etc.). Why do you collect that way?
The one thing I am not is a set collector. I fall more into player and team category but at the same time that is no a proper term either.
I collect mainly Dodgers but only parallels from high end brands now. I.E. 5 Star, Bowman Chrome, Topps Chrome, etc.
After that thought I collect as many autographs that I can get my hands on whether they are Dodgers or not. I do stay away from the Giants though.
So there really isn't a category I really "fit" in per se.
I collect this way now as I refocused on my habits as it got a little out of control and I wanted to pursue cards that gave me more satisfaction and
autographs is what really brings a smile to my face.
4. In your opinion, what could the major card companies (Topps, Panini, etc.) do to make your style of collecting better for you?
I think they could make boxes a little more evenly dispersed. When BC has 5 autographs that is great but having them be a "C" level players makes
the breaks feel a little meh. I rather have the 5 as a "big" star and the others being lesser caliber. When you drop $130 on a box you should somewhat
get your money back.
5. What is your favorite part of your collection?  This could be one specific item, or a binder of cards, etc.
Autographs far away and on card variety to be specific. Stickers are just the bane of my collection. HATE them
6. Most of us have a favorite song that we like for no good reason – heck, it might even be embarrassing.  Do you have a favorite baseball card that might fit that bill?  
I cant really think of one. I fail on this question. 
7. If you were forced to part with your entire collection except for one card, which card would you keep?
I would love to say something that pertains to Kershaw but I will have to go with my 2009 BGS 9.5 Mike Trout Refractor Autograph Rookie Card
8. Many of the blogs (including my own at times) seem to decry Topps’ lack of vision and creativity.  Can you think of something creative that could be done for an upcoming card set? 
This years Stadium Club brought back great photography and I think that has been missing for the most part in recent years. It shouldnt be regulated to just
one brand. It should be done across all brands. Also, stop using the same picture on multiple brands. Cropping does not make it original.  
9. What is your profession?  How did you end up there?  If you are in school, what do you plan to major in and/or what job do you hope to get after graduating?  
 I work in the auto industry (not a sales person). I needed a job at 18 and started at a car dealership as a temp as I was referred by a friend and now 22
years later I am still chugging along. I am still 15 credits from getting two degrees in business and marketing so I will eventually get those as well.
10. What is your favorite place that you’ve ever visited?  Why?  
Jamaica. I have never been so at ease at a laid back location. No stress, drinks 24/7, food at your beck and call. The views, the people, the island itself.
A great vacation place that everyone should try at least once even if it is for a few days. I was lucky enough to be there for 5 days.
All inclusive is the way to go BTW.
11. Many of us have favorite foods or customs that are somewhat local to where we live.  Do you have any such things that you particularly love?  A website link to specific products would be spectacular.  
Sad to say not really. I don't have a favorite place to eat as the wife enjoys trying everything so I am along for the ride. Havent really found
a single place that was head and shoulders above any place else. Yes, some places are better at this than that and vice versa but there isnt a place
I REALLY have to go to get my fix.
12. Do you have any other hobbies besides card collecting?  
 I am still in the autograph ball hobby but I sold off the majority early this year to concentrate on only black balls with gold signatures. The white ones
just continued to fade on me and that irritated me to no end. And this is with them in an UV cube in the dark with no moisture in the air. Yeah, irritating.
The other bucket list hobby I have is to acquire a ball (whether tossed or hit to me, etc) from every ballpark. I have been to 10 ballparks and luckily I have
one from each place so far. Been as far as NY and DC. So it is really key to get them as a lot of these parks are one and done visits as me being in LA I cant venture
to the east coast anytime I feel like it. 2015 I am off to Pittsburgh. 
13. Tell me something interesting about yourself (that we haven’t covered in the first twelve questions).
 If it involves the hobby or sports in general I can stake my claim as I have been Dodger fan of the month TWICE and featured in their magazine both times.
Once as I proposed to my then girlfriend at the stadium and the second time for winning the 1st ever Dodger Scavenger Hunt in 2011.
Other than that I think I am like every other person that has qualities that some people may or may not find interesting but nothing I can think of that sticks out.

A big thank you to Matthew for participating in my Better Know a Blogger series!  As you can tell from his answers, Matthew is a huge autograph collector which is somewhat unique around the blogosphere I think.  If nothing else, I know that I'm certainly not an autograph collector - though someday I would like to add a Barry Larkin autograph to my collection (can you believe that I don't have one now)?!

I was also a bit surprised that Matthew didn't make any mention of Dodger Dogs in the food question.  I thought all Dodger fans loved those things?  I'm sure if I ever make it to a game in Los Angeles that I'll give the 'ol hot dog a try...but there's not much way it can be better than a Pittsburgh style burger, right?!

Matthew's baseball card answers were right on the mark in my book - great photography should be in all sets, not just Stadium Club.  Then again, what would Stadium Club be if it weren't for the stellar photography that is head and shoulders above most other sets?  I'm guessing Topps' motto is that the flagship will sell no matter what so why waste the best photos in that set?  It probably makes sense from a business perspective but man, it drives the die-hard collectors crazy!

Thanks again for participating Matthew - and you are the first blogger that I am aware of to be able to claim a ballpark proposal!


  1. Good stuff again! Great learn more about the Penguin.

  2. Really enjoying these.

  3. Thank you for the spotlight.
    The Dogs are good but after all these years they wear on you.
    Ha Ha.
    Ill be in Pittsburgh next year for the Dodger game so Ill have to check out that burger


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