Barry Larkin
Year: 1994
Brand: King-B Discs
Card number: 17
I couldn't find a lot of information (i.e. anything really) on what the 1994 King-B Discs set was all about. The King-B company must have made some sort of meat product and included the cards (discs) in the product packaging.
While I don't know much about the set itself, I can report that these cards are indeed discs...and very purple. So much purple in fact. Also, no team logo - Larkin almost looks like he's in the process of being hit by a vehicle with the odd way his helmet is sitting on his head (presumably to avoid showing the Reds' "C" logo). I like oddballs quite a bit but I wouldn't bother trying to track down the other King-B discs...just the Barry Larkin cards for me from this particular line of cards!
It was shredded beef jerky that came in snuff-like cans, with the card inside.