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The Great Reorganization: Step 10: Year-by-Year Sorting Continues with the Year 2000.

In February, I posted my last update detailing my progress in regards to my ongoing Great Reorganization of my baseball card collection.  While it has been some time since that update, I am pleased to say that I have made some fairly large strides in regards to my goal of completely organizing my collection.

That said, I still have a long way to go - but hey, forward progress is something that I'm proud of!

So, you ask, what have I managed to accomplish?

Well, for starters I bought a brand new shelf and completely reorganized all of my baseball card binders so that they are in order from oldest to newest across the various shelves.

It was a big task to carefully rearrange all the binders - but now that it is done I'm proud of the collection!  One of my super long term goals is to get all the cards in the same type of binder (probably white binders) but for now I'll settle for simply having my collection sleeved and shelved!

The two tall bookshelves also hold my LEGO Modular collection - so here's a close up of those (plus you can see the super great wallpaper that surrounds my man cave)...

Moving back to baseball cards - I have completely organized the following years:  2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.  That doesn't seem like a lot - but it certainly was since that four year span was one of the busiest for me in terms of set collecting!  Rather than continuing on to 2014, I decided to mix it up a bit and head back to 2000 to get that year all organized.

Why?  Because I had already decided to retroactively collect a number of different sets from the year 2000.  Before I did this post, I already had 2000 Skybox Metal, 2000 Fleer Focus, and 2000 Topps Stadium Club on my want list.

There are a number of other sets from the year 2000 that I also like so it's time to take a look at my five (one not shown) binders that currently hold cards from the year 2000 and figure out which sets to try and finish and which to give up on!

In addition to the five binders, I also have a slew of loose cards from the year 2000 - those piles will also play a factor in determining which sets I will try to collect and which I won't collect.

So, for the year 2000 what did I decide?

For starters, I am definitely going to work on collecting the following sets from the year 2000:

  • Skybox Metal
  • Fleer Focus
  • Fleer Impact (complete)
  • Topps Stadium Club

I have decided to give up on most of the rest of the sets from that year - and all my extras will eventually make their way to my "extras" boxes sorted by team - probably destined to become bonus fodder for group breaks or Trade Stack additions over time!

So which sets did I decide to bail on?

Well, one of the toughest sets to decide not to collect was the 2000 Fleer Ultra set.  I've always been a sucker for the Ultra line of cards - and while the 2000 set isn't the best design ever, it's still pretty solid.  However, as any card collector knows, space is always going to be limited and so I have to make some tough decisions as I go along reorganizing my entire collection.  The Ultra set is one of the tougher decisions so far - but I'm sure it won't be the last difficult choice that I'll have to make!

I also decided to give up on Topps Opening Day (the 2000 set is one of my favorite Opening Day sets for some reason) along with Topps Stars, Topps Finest, and Fleer Greats of the Game.  Other casaulties include Topps Stadium Club Chrome (a cool set but ultimately it's too late for me to collect that one), Topps TEK (love it, but collecting it would be a nightmare), and pretty much all Upper Deck sets from 2000.

That leaves a few sets that I haven't completely decided on yet:

  • Topps Gold Label
  • Fleer EX
  • Fleer Tradition
  • Pacific
  • Topps

For now, I'm going to wait and see about the final five sets.  If anyone has a bunch of any of those sets for trade, let me know!


  1. I've got some 2000 Topps kicking around.

  2. I'm so jealous of all that storage space... and of course that killer wallpaper!

    P.S. The Legos are cool too.

  3. How much did you spend on those shelves. Can they handle the weight of the binders?

  4. The shelves were about $50 and they have held up through two moves with all the binders. Not bad for what is basically cheap particle board furniture.


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