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Barry Larkin Collection 372: 1996 Pinnacle Summit - #108

Barry Larkin
Year:  1996
Brand:  Pinnacle Summit
Card number:  108

The wonderfully redundantly named Pinnacle Summit is a hot mess of a set.  The front looks like someone took craft scissors to a picture of Larkin and then created a scrapbook while the back looks like a nine-year-old kid tried to create his own version of a baseball card using basic circles and baseball diamonds.  Throw in some zebra-inspired striping, plus a totally unnecessary use of foil for the team logo and you've got yourself a set that is most definitely not at the peak of collecting goodness.

Actually, the only thing that saves this card in my eyes is the truly unique photo of Barry Larkin working out in the outfield grass.  You don't often see a oxen harness on a baseball player (close enough).  Pretty cool stuff there - too bad the card design fails to do the image any sort of justice!
