Barry Larkin
Year: 1997
Brand: Upper Deck Collector's Choice
Insert set: All-Star Connection
Card number: 22
I loved, loved, loved the 1997 Upper Deck Collector's Choice set when I was a kid. The All-Star Connection cards (which I promise look better in person than they do in the above scan) were seeded 1 per pack in Series 2 packs. As a kid, I distinctly remember walking to my local CVS store and buying pack after pack of Collector's Choice as I tried to finish off this insert set the "old fashioned" way! Amazingly, I actually did end up completing my set that way...though I shudder at the thought of how many extra cards I ended up with as I tried to soothe my collecting OCD tendencies!
As for this particular Larkin card, the front isn't the most exciting thing (though the star in the background works well with the theme). I like the back quite a bit though. At least Larkin finally got a hit in the All-Star game!
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