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Gint-a-Cuffs: Pack 08 (The Return of the Yankees)

I'll warn you in advance about this pack.  It isn't pretty.

Then again, it's plenty pretty I suppose if you are a fellow Gint-a-Cuffs competitor because you can be fairly certain that if I wasn't eliminated as of yet, I probably will be now.  Or at least, my box is on life support...

Box total so far:  28 points

Pack 08:

36.  Alex Rodriguez (-1 Yankees)
117.  Robin Yount
120.  Kenta Maeda (+2, Favorite player)
149.  Michael Brantley
198.  Ari Shaffir
280.  Paul O'Neil (-1 Yankees)
350.  Steve Carlton
Black border mini:  267.  Sonny Gray (+3 points)

Pack total:  3 points
Box total so far:  31 points
Yankees so far:  6

Admittedly, it could have been worse I guess - the Maeda favorite player was clutch for sure.  Even so, you don't want to come close to averaging a Yankee per pack, especially in Gint-a-Cuffs...but that's exactly what has happened to me so far.  31 points through 1/3 of the box puts me on pace for just under 90 points total (since I also added in my boxloader already).  I don't think 90 points will be winning anything this year.
