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Hitting Up eBay for a #/25!

The March to One Million...

Back in June of this year, I noticed that I was creeping up on a major blog visit milestone:  1,000,000 visits!  In fact, as of June 13, I was sitting at 942,543 blog visits.

Since I'm a math guy, I decided to have a little fun with the numbers as I kept track of my blog views over the next few weeks...  I didn't necessarily record the numbers on any particular schedule (mostly when I remembered to)!  For those of you who like numbers, here's my blog's progression since June 13:


As of June 13, 2016, I had 942,543 visits to my blog.

As of June 24, 2016, I had 947,661 visits to my blog.  (an average gain of 465 visits per day since June 13)

As of June 30, 2016, I had 949,551 visits to my blog.  (an average gain of 315 visits per day since June 24)

As of July 22, 2016, I had 957,177 visits to the blog.  (an average gain of 272 visits per day since June 30)

As of August 11, 2016, I had 969,155 visits to the blog. (an average gain of 598 visits per day since July 22)

As you can see, Gint-a-Cuffs helped my blog view total go up quite a bit!


If I can keep up the visit count, I should hit 1,000,000 visitors before the end of the year - that'd be an amazing "accomplishment" for this math guy...who would have ever thought I'd end up with that many visits for something that I've written!  Of course, I have to thank all my blog readers - both my daily readers and those that only pop in occasionally!  I wouldn't have continued my blog for this long without all of you - so thank you!


  1. That's pretty darn cool. I thought I was excited because I hit 10,000 this month.

  2. Congrats! I am only half of the way there haha


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