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Barry Larkin Collection 521: 2002 Playoff Piece of the Game - #POG-9 (Bat Version)

Barry Larkin
Year:  2002
Brand:  Playoff Piece of the Game
Insert set:  Materials (relic)
Card number:  POG-9 (bat relic)

I picked this relic up off of eBay a few months ago - but I'm only now posting about it since I was trying to find some answers first (for which I failed, by the way).  According to Baseballcardpedia, Barry Larkin had two different relics in the Materials insert set, an "A" version and a "B" version.  I have no idea which version I own - and I couldn't find out any other information about the Larkin relics anywhere online (the only other Larkin relic image that I could find matched the one I own).

In addition to the mysterious "A" and "B" versions of the relic, there are four parallels to chase down (none of which I own currently).  The parallel information is courtesy of Baseballcardpedia:
  • Bronze (Cards #1-#90: serial-numbered to 250 copies; cards #91-#95: serial-numbered to 100 copies; cards #96-#100: serial-numbered to 50)
  • Silver (Cards #1-#90: serial-numbered to 100 copies; cards #91-#95: serial-numbered to 50 copies; cards #96-#100: serial-numbered to 25)
  • Gold (Cards #1-#90: serial-numbered to 50 copies; cards #91-#95: serial-numbered to 25 copies; cards #96-#100: serial-numbered to ten)
  • Platinum (Cards #1-#90: serial-numbered to 25 copies; cards #91-#95: serial-numbered to ten copies; cards #96-#100: serial-numbered to five)

In terms of the relic that I own, the front is nothing special but I really do like the fact that Playoff showed the actual photo from which the bit of material was taken.  Based on the back image, I assume the "other" version of this Larkin relic contains cloth from that Larkin vest shown in the photograph.

If you are interested in the Playoff Piece of the Game set, I reviewed a full box of the stuff back in 2012.  The box I busted featured two bases, two bats, and two jersey relics.


  1. On your 2002 POG-9 I too believe the B version is a jersey and that there are only 100 of them, and NOT serial numbered. This is based off info I found on Beckett. Good luck finding one.


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