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2017 Topps Allen & Ginter: Box 3 - Part 3

It's time to finish off box #3 (out of a total of 5 boxes that purchased).  This box has already produced a rip card and a relic...so we should get one more hit in this set of packs.

Box 3:
Packs 17 - 24:

I'll be honest, the final eight packs sort of fizzled out.  I did get one more fish card though.

And a single World's Dude mini insert.

Scholar Dude isn't overly exciting though...and that's coming from a college professor.

Finally, our last hit of the box to end things:

That is Michal Kapral, who according to the card back is a "joggler."  I assume that is someone who juggles while jogging, but it might actually means someone who has too much free time and not enough friends (or pets).

Well, the rip card made the whole box worthwhile - and we still got some other good stuff in the box as well.  I pulled my second Larkin base card in this box too - so I have one for the set binder now and one for the Larkin binder (always appreciated for sets I am collecting).

I still have two more boxes to go - let's hope for some more good stuff in those!  See you soon.


  1. Actually, I run while juggling because I don't have enough free time to do them separately!

  2. Ok, now I feel bad about my snark! I can't even run 1.5 miles right now...and that's after "working up" to the 1.5 mile mark over the span of the entire summer. Who am I to talk?! Thanks for the comment though!

  3. Snark is good. When you're a running juggler, you can't take yourself too seriously. Great blog.

  4. BUSTED!! Ha!! Having just started jogging this year and successfully completing my first two 5Ks, I've been juggling most of my adult life, but never thought about combining the two!! (and considering the amount of cars and other things I need to watch for/avoid.. I probably won't be trying it anytime soon either!)

    Nice pull dude, and congratulations on making this year's Ginter set Mr. Kapral!
    ~ Dawgbones


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