Barry Larkin
Year: 1994
Brand: Score
Card number: 74
Parallel set: Gold Rush
The 1994 Score set had one parallel set (Gold Rush) to go along with the base set. At the time, the Gold Rush cards always seemed sort of "special" to me - but the foil board approach hasn't aged nearly as well as other parallels over time...and today I look back at parallels like this and generally shrug. That said, I'm still a sucker for any new Barry Larkin card for my collection and so I'm happy to have this card (even if it is pointless).
In total, Barry Larkin has five different cards in the 1994 Score set. He has
a base card, this Gold Rush parallel, a
Gold Stars insert, a Dream Team insert, and a Dream Team Promo card. I don't (yet?) own the Dream Team insert nor do I have the Dream Team Promo card...but I do have the other three Larkins from the set. Sixty percent completion isn't bad for me...especially once sets became chock full of inserts and parallels.
For what it is worth, by my count I own exactly half of the Barry Larkin cards that were produced in 1994 (that's 39 out of 78 cards that are on the checklist I am working off of).
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