Barry Larkin
Year: 1994
Brand: Score
Insert set: Dream Team
Card number: 5
Somehow, this amazingly canned retro themed Barry Larkin card had eluded me for years. Actually, now that I look at the pack odds (Dream Team cards were seeded 1:72 retail and hobby packs), I suppose I can see why not many people ended up with duplicates to trade me of the card (plus, it's a pretty awesome card in its own cheesy kind of way)...and here at Nachos Grande, sometimes it's the cheesier, the better!
On a more serious note, this truly is a neat, unique card. The front features Larkin rocking a 1936 Reds uniform - and other than the lack of the color red on most of the uniform, it could probably pass as one of today's uniforms (as a Reds' fan, I can admit that the Reds' uniforms are some of the more lackluster designs in all of baseball). The back of the card gives a little bit of information about Larkin, though the image they chose to use of Larkin staring seductively into the camera might give me some nightmares tonight.
All in all, I'd call this strange card a win - and if you don't yet own one yourself, you owe it to your collection to track one down (but sorry, my only copy isn't for trade)!
Note: There is also a "promo" version of this card out there that I still need for my collection (yes, I'm such a sucker that I call the promo cards and the real cards different things and that I try and acquire both). If you happen to have one of the promos available for trade, let me know!
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